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What does the reduction of US Troop Presence mean for Iraq?

By: Ethan Wilkes

What is the history of American presence in Iraq?

Back in 2003, the United States invaded Iraq under the assumption that Iraq had nuclear weapons, posing a national security threat to the United States. American presence mainly was used to target extremist groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah. American troop presence peaked in 2007, with a whopping 170,000 US troops stationed in Iraq. The number of soldiers steadily decreased to around 5,000 by 2020, then the Trump administration ordered for that to be cut to 2,500, which is the current amount of troops that the US has stationed.

What role have these troops played in Iraq?

For years, ISIS held the middle east at a vice grip, endangering families and wreaking havoc on the region. But due to US involvement in Iraq, ISIS had lost 95% of its territory in the Iraqi region, heavily decreasing the violence in the region.

Decreasing terrorism has been important for a few reasons. First, when terrorist groups are more powerful, they recruit more civilians to join their coalition, increasing their power even more, and subjecting innocents to the deadly practices of terrorist recruitment. Most civilians that join terrorist groups often don’t have access to basic necessities like food, water, and shelter, and are forced to turn to terrorist organizations that provide them in return for their membership in the group, or will use political propaganda to coerce people to join. Second, the catastrophic actions of terrorists are severely hindered when there are fewer terrorists. These actions include kidnapping, destabilizing the region, and resulting in the death of around 27,000 people annually.

How does troop withdrawal impact the power of terrorist groups?

Of course, political extremists will always exist, but there are certain measures that make them less powerful. In this case, troops have played that role. However, terrorism can’t always be minimal. If there is a weak opposition to these groups, it makes it far easier for them to regain their power.

On top of this, the stability of Iraq and surrounding countries will most likely get worse as US troops help train local counter-terrorism initiatives, protect innocents, and increase the legitimacy of local governments.

The humanitarian role of US military presence is also decreased as troop withdrawal continues. Currently, the US not only aids local governments in their fight against terrorism but also provides humanitarian resources to innocent citizens fleeing the dangers of these terrorist groups. When the US has fewer troops to deliver and protect aid, it gets to the people that need it less often. Terrorist groups that control the area can take control of the aid and use it as leverage over innocent people. This also results in people trusting American troops less, increasing anti-American sentiment and causing spikes in terrorist recruitment.

As American presence in Iraq has been monumental at times and detrimental during others, it’s important that the American foreign policy strategy in Iraq is thought about carefully.

Discussion Questions:

  • What can be done to prevent a resurgence of terrorism in the middle east?

  • As the US lowers its presence in Iraq, who will control the region next?

  • Has American presence in Iraq been a success or a failure?

  • Is withdrawing troops from Iraq in America’s best interest?

  • How can local initiatives in the middle east best fight terrorism without western support?

  • What can be done to lower terrorist recruitment?

Sources Used and Further Reading:


Answering the Question

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